Sunday, December 4, 2011

❣ Research

i find that sony psp design is very similar to mine. other than the button and the back of the console, most of it the very very similar. for the top part of my game design, i will use almost the same technique to apply to my design as they both have side button for gamer and their shape is very identical. 

❣ Design

I'm really really sorry but i seriously don't know how to draw a wire frame of my game console. i think i failed at this part but i still draw the basic of the basic of the basic.

❣ Shape

i drew it so i can explain better i think. Other than my very very very very poor drawing, i think i still need to add more shape in order to create this model. this drawing is just a very brief of what basic i will need to do it.

❣ Story

A rat was racing around a track on a mousetrap car in full speed when he spotted the dead end of the track!!!

Using a Gameboy Advance game console controller which control the track , the mouse manage to avoid the major crash by switching the lanes of the mousetrap car originally was on and continue his exciting journey...