Monday, January 2, 2012

❣ Project 1: Self Critics

The product that i am modelling is Gameboy Advance. It have alot of curves here and there.i manage to get some of the area right but in the end i still have problem with my modelling.
as you can see, the edge is very messy but when i smooth it out, it turn out just fine but with some glitch here and there. for example:

the vertex is all messed up and i having trouble to sort it out.
one of the part that i think i used the wrong polygon is the side part.

i used a cylinder polygon whereby i should use a cube polygon.
lastly, i have a serious problem with boolean difference. i can't use it to create differences with my main body and other parts of the model for example is the front part:

the top and bottom part i also need to use boolean difference but seeing how i can't boolean it using all kind of methods, i give up and just let it be a smooth top and bottom.

my model
overall this project allow me to use different creative way to do this model and it also let me using my thinking cap and testing my patience to complete it.

❣ ScreenShoot;Images Plane: GameBoy Advance

image plane

main part with different view

smooth it

scene 1

scene 2

scene 3

scene 4

scene 5

different buttons parts

Final Product