Sunday, December 4, 2011

❣ Research

i find that sony psp design is very similar to mine. other than the button and the back of the console, most of it the very very similar. for the top part of my game design, i will use almost the same technique to apply to my design as they both have side button for gamer and their shape is very identical. 

❣ Design

I'm really really sorry but i seriously don't know how to draw a wire frame of my game console. i think i failed at this part but i still draw the basic of the basic of the basic.

❣ Shape

i drew it so i can explain better i think. Other than my very very very very poor drawing, i think i still need to add more shape in order to create this model. this drawing is just a very brief of what basic i will need to do it.

❣ Story

A rat was racing around a track on a mousetrap car in full speed when he spotted the dead end of the track!!!

Using a Gameboy Advance game console controller which control the track , the mouse manage to avoid the major crash by switching the lanes of the mousetrap car originally was on and continue his exciting journey...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

❣ 3D Software

Autodesk Maya

Autodesk 3D Studio Max
there are tons of 3Ds software in the world. during my timing in ITE, i learn 3D max. In poly, i learn Maya. Both are from autodesk, so whats the difference?!

apparently 3DSM is a favourite and widely use in the architectural and visualization animators industry whereby Maya is the choice for TV and film industry. 3DMS has superb conceptual modeling tools, large-scale environment creation and works well with other Autodesk product line. Maya on the other hand has amazing character rigging, animation layering as well as motion capture handling capabilities that surpass 3DSM.

but for me, i guess both are the same. :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

❣ 3D Graffiti on City Streets and Pathways

People think that graffiti is a defacement and vandalism act. But Edgar Mueller, Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner are some of the best street painter across the world. They proved that graffiti is not all bad things.They destroy that stereotype, painting and chalking openly on city streets and pathways. These art work images and biographies merely scratch the surface and begin to convey their amazing artistic takents.

Below are also some of their art work...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

❣ 3D Imaging...

By creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image using two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewer, this method is call Steroscopy, stereroscopic or 3D imaging.
It is “trick” to the brain that gives the perception of 3-D depth using combination these 2-D offset images.
Three strategies have been used to accomplish this:
  1. Separate images from two offset sources and let the viewer wear eyeglass to combine the images.
  2. Offset images from a single source separated to each eye and let the viewer wear eyeglasses to filter it.
  3. Split the images directionally into the viewer's eyes using light source and no glasses required which is also known as Autostereoscopy (

Monday, November 21, 2011

❣ 3D....

3D basically means three-dimensional space. Human use different tools, program to create different 3D related stuff.

On this planet, there are:
  1. 3D Computer Graphic...
  2. 3D film or MOVIE!!
  3. 3D modeling which is in 3D Computer Graphic...
  4. 3D painting which will WOW myself...
  5. Latest!! 3D television/mobile phone without the need of having the spectacles...
  6. etc etc etc...
And of course, there are The 3Ds, which is a rock band... :D

❣ Mindset...

Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?

Multi tasking gives me a false sense having accomplished something

Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming, or is all learning the same? Why?

It is all the same as both is something we are not able to learn in secondary school

The article states that “Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual”. Do you agree with this? Do you feel that you approach your learning in the best way – if yes, how, and if no, how can you change your work style?

Yes. learning is indeed a very complex operation for an individual. I feel that I did not approach my learning in the best way so I will try to concentrate on the priority task first before continuing the next one.

What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?

It is basically true as in working industry; every work requires some sort of teamwork. And in order for the team to work hand in hand, communication is very important as human can’t do big task alone.

Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?

Lecturers should do both. When focus on my work attitude, he/she maybe able to help or remind me but leave me alone is to let me explore things on my own as I am able to learn more as how this and that work and if I am having trouble I am able to consult the lecturers.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

❣ Washboard!!

a board is being created using a cube polygon

 it is then divided by typing in 17 in the subdivisions width
it is being bevel
 it is being extruded using the extrude tool
it is being bevel again
 a top header is being created using a cube tool and adjust to its setting
  a top panel is also being created using a cube tool
top panel and top header is being align using the align tool and a top stringer is also being created and align too...
everything is being align using align tool
a bottom stringer is being created too and of course, align.
left leg is being created over here...
it is being align using align tool
left leg is being duplicate and become the right and align...
finally, it is being bevel to make it into more smooth and final product...

this exercise is very easy and i am able to created it in a short time. 

❣ Track...

a plane is being created using a plane tool
we have assign a new material to the plane
we edit UVs to normalize it

by using a "create polygon tool" in the mesh menu, we created it by tracing it along the picture
we adjust the newly created polygon

we turn off the visibility of the track shape in the channel box
in the extrude menu, we set the division to 20, dividing it into 20 parts
setting it local translate z to 45, it is able to create a bend smoothly
we rotate the track by using ctrl+LMB to rotate the track so i am able to get a good view of the underside of one end
on edge mode, we insert edges into the polygon using the insert edge loop tool
it is being scale apart
the underside is being selected
the underside is being extruded
the extruded part is being extruded again
by clicking on the small edges of the outer corners, we are able to bevel it
after switching the menu set to animation, we are now able to bend it
it is being bend
end of product desu....

this is exercise teaches me to bend a polygon smoothly by using bend tool. this is a relatively easy exercise too.