Sunday, February 26, 2012

❣ my project 2 Self-Critique

"never underestimate the timing that is needed to do a short ANIMATION" is what i really learn this time round.

I thought that with only 2 days i am able to complete the project but what it really turn out is that its impossible as there is a lot of glitches when doing animation.

One of them are, when doing parenting of armcontrol and the cargo, i  followed the tutorial on autodesk which turns out ITs WRONG... they taught us by:

and you taught us by:

i only knew it when i asked my friend as to why my cargo box when back to its original position which is on the "conveyor belt" after i placed it on the platform and disable parenting it.

Some of the parts that i CAN do VERY MUCH better are:
  1. the bounce and stretch of the bouncing ball...
  2. the cargo box when it fell off...
  3. the timing of the the whole animation which is fast at some part and SLOOOOW at some part...
  4. the shock "expression" of the robots...
But overall...... its still a fun project but i seriously regretted that I didn't do it earlier even you so kindly extended our dateline.... :(..

Sunday, February 12, 2012

❣ the 3 out of 3 research

all these video feature illusion of life Disney animation in details. with different animator, they explain how they use the principle of animation and input them into their animation character. for example one of the animator uses lady and tramp cartoon to get their angry feature.

it let me know much more in details how they works in Disney...

❣ the 2 out of 3 video

The 12 basic principles of animation is founded by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas. They have publish a book "The Illusion of Life Disney Animation"  which aims to produce more realistic animations.
The purpose of creating all these principles was to produce an illusion of characters according to the basic laws of physics and they also will be handling with more complicated issues such as emotional timing animation and character own appeal.

referring it as "the bible of animation", to this date, it is still widely use in the animation industry in both hand-drawn animation and computer animation.

❣ the 1 out 3 research

this video is fun and its easy to let us know how is the 12 animation principles being applied to the animation.

❣ 13 Videos

creating plane n ball

setting up camera

different view

assigning of material
adding squash handle

squash handle appear

creating squash

ball being stretch

The Final Video

my reflection
this assignment is abit draggy as the tutorial teach us start from the basic example from doin it as a project to setting up a grid. its quite useful in the end as i manage to learn quite alot of things.

the question

1)  Do you need to be able to draw well to create good 2D animation? Explain your view.
      nope! though you need to be able to "aga aga" know how to draw the character but you don't need to draw it well as you are able to edit it with the computer to make it more refine.

2) Do you need to be able to draw well to create good 3D animation? Explain your view.
    no!same as before, as long you are able to draw a character, you are able to refine it using the computer with a 3D application. You can get help anywhere everywhere.

3) What do you think would separate a piece of poor animation from a piece of good animation? In other words, how would you go about deciding if a piece of animation is good or bad?
     how i decide if it is a good animation is based on storyline, the flow of character, the character that is being created and the technique is being used for example is it too fake or what.

4) In 2D animation, you need to be very aware of timing at a frame by frame level, using timing charts and other techniques - but for 3D animation, this is handled using the graph editor, which is more concerned with manipulating rates of change over time.

Does this affect how you approach your animation work? Explain.
when using frame by frame level, it is not as accurate as using a graph editor as frame by frame is using what you see and where you click it so it may not be as accurate as using graph editor cause graph editor is represented by numbers and graph.

5) Give a brief critique of Maya as an animation tool. Don't just say Maya makes animation difficult, or easy, or that you need to learn a lot of stuff to use Maya - explain what Maya does well and not so well in terms of creating animation.

❣ The Mech Arm

adding joints

testing out swivel base

on/off blend parent

The Final Video

my reflection

this lesson is easy as mr ken have teach us step by step. i have learn how to parent a item to another item just by a key! it really helps to save us time when we need to do our project

Saturday, February 11, 2012

❣ Squash 'n' Stretch...

ball is added to stage and so is squash handle

locking "translate_ball_gp" unwanted channel attribute

locking "rotate_ball_gp" unwanted channel attribute

locking"ball" all channel attribute
positioning it into the correct position

start to configure the bounce motion using the timeline and translate x,y
first graph editor before any edit

second edit of graph editor
third edit of graph editor

final edit of graph editor. added one more bounce to make it more real

The Basketball Bounce 'n' Stretch

The Bouncy 'n' Stretchy Ball

my reflection
this exercise is fun and interesting. i am able to explore different way to making the ball to stretch as much as it can and squash as much as it can.

Its funny seeing it how it squash n stretch but i'm having trouble using the number that is given in the tutorial as it puts my balls out of the plane. so the position and the timing it bounce onto the floor will not be the same as it is stated in the tutorial.

the question
1) Why is squash and stretch so useful in animation?

     its use for exaggeration and adding fun to it

2) Think of a situation in which extreme squash and stretch could be applied to a character        try to be original.
     when a baby is playing with play dough

3) Think of an animation example where squash and stretch would NOT be appropriate

    when throwing a metal ball as adding squash and stretch will make it look like a rubber   
    ball instead
4) If squash and stretch doesn't really happen so obviously in real life, why do you think is

    it so effective in animation? 

    it is to create an illusion to give a sense of weight and flexibility to drawn objects