Sunday, February 26, 2012

❣ my project 2 Self-Critique

"never underestimate the timing that is needed to do a short ANIMATION" is what i really learn this time round.

I thought that with only 2 days i am able to complete the project but what it really turn out is that its impossible as there is a lot of glitches when doing animation.

One of them are, when doing parenting of armcontrol and the cargo, i  followed the tutorial on autodesk which turns out ITs WRONG... they taught us by:

and you taught us by:

i only knew it when i asked my friend as to why my cargo box when back to its original position which is on the "conveyor belt" after i placed it on the platform and disable parenting it.

Some of the parts that i CAN do VERY MUCH better are:
  1. the bounce and stretch of the bouncing ball...
  2. the cargo box when it fell off...
  3. the timing of the the whole animation which is fast at some part and SLOOOOW at some part...
  4. the shock "expression" of the robots...
But overall...... its still a fun project but i seriously regretted that I didn't do it earlier even you so kindly extended our dateline.... :(..