Tuesday, November 8, 2011

❣ Toto Train...

front part is created using cube

bottom rectangle is also created using a cube tool, the front part is being scaled
the bottom rectangle is being hide by me

add bevel to it

using move tool, i move and adjust it so that it look flat at the back
using move tool, i have created a slant slope for the front
showing the bottom, i adjust it using align tool
using a cone polygon, i bevel the top edge so it look more smoother
using move and align tool, i move it to the correct location
hidden away the top part, using cylinder, i have created a wheel
show it all and made some adjustment
using a cube tool, i created a block
created one cylinder, duplicate it. align it to become the "eye" of the train..
i boolean difference to get the dented effect

same as before, using a cube tool, i created a board for the roof
for the back, this is the beginning of shaping the back of the toto train
add a top rectangle for the back part
using align tool, i align it to be in the middle of the bottom rectangle
i BOOLEAN difference it, this is the outcome
show all hidden objects
using move tool, i move all thing into correct positions
created a cube, duplicate it 2 times...
move the small cubes onto the toto train using move tool
using a torus polygon
i duplicate it and join them into a chain to connect both the front and back of the toto train together
final product!


This exercise allow me to use different bevel width to make it into a nice round side. I have used "split polygon tool" to make an extra segment so that the round side will be more even. Combining and editing different kind of shape is fun but time consuming.